I've just finished a week that felt like it passed me by in a day. That must be what adulthood feels like. When an adult took a standardized test intended for children ... and failed miserably. I'm sorry, but if I'm to judge by the questions offered in the mini-tests that accompany that blog post, this person who's ostensibly an education expert should be required to retake basic grade-school math. Seriously. I may not agree myself that standardized testing is the optimal way to gauge students' learning, but this is not the argument I'd use against it! 17 problems only book lovers will understand . Like: "1. When someone asks you what your favorite book is and expects you to pick just one." Why David McCullough still types all his books on a typewriter (or, at least, did in 1991): People say, But with a computer you could go so much faster. Well, I don’t want to go faster. If anything, I should go slower. I don’t think all that fast.' ...