Happy almost-Easter, everyone! I’ll be off to my grandpa’s house tomorrow for a wonderful day of extended family getting-together. I’m looking forward to eating up a good many of my aunt’s fantastic homemade rolls, too. So, without further ado, a number of links for your Easter perusal… What I’ve learnt about Twitter after 1000 tweets – Since just one more tweet will bring my own tweet-count to 1000, I Googled “1000th tweet” and this was the first result. A rather interesting one, too, though written more from a business angle. 55 Ways to Have Fun with Google (PDF) – Gosh, somebody had waaaaay too much time on his hands. But the result, though now outdated, still contains some interesting ways to waste time, such as egogoogling (to which I’m no stranger—it’s the “Google your name and ‘is’ and see what comes up” game), making a pictorial alphabet from Google Images results, and googling random proverbs and seeing what they’ve been applied to. ( This link if the first doesn’t work pr...