Look at this! The last compendium was compiled late April… and in that seemingly short month, I’ve gone to my grandpa’s funeral, graduated from college, finished a week at my first after-college job, and rediscovered how to relax and kill time. (It’s called watching the TV series Doctor Who.) As a consequence, I’ve not read much in the way of Internet nonfiction. But I do have a few enjoyable links for you this afternoon. Five things you can tell from this guy’s iPhone custom dictionary – He’s a writer for the Atlantic, and his iPhone can tell you a lot about him; but on the flip side, I suspect there’s a lot you won’t learn, either. To stay on the Atlantic theme, they’re coordinating a worldwide Twitter-based book club called 1book140 . It’s a neat idea, and the first book chosen is a book I read last spring for my contemporary lit class: The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. 20 unusual (and fun!) date ideas – for the poor souls with no imagination. Or just for people who lik...