Saturday and Sunday…
- I helped get the last issue of the campus newspaper to press (seven hours in the Mac lab)
- I played my little part in The King and I, twice (roughly ten hours)
- I went with the cast to an after-performance Steak N Shake run (roughly four hours)
- I slept, some (six hours Sunday morning)
- and then went to Sunday School
- I spent the rest of Sunday wearily finishing a ten-page paper due Monday
- then relaxed by watching Oklahoma! with a couple friends, and taking a walk (roughly four hours)
And tonight, I pulled together a 37-page portfolio. Don’t worry; I only had to write five or so pages of it. The rest was a matter of finding the pieces… and formatting them… and making up the cover page… yeah. I’m tired. But I’m glad to be (nearly) done.
Oh, and yeah… I got a job, and will start right after I graduate. Full-time reporting job, and not too far from home so I can still see my sister from time to time. Talk about a blessing from God.