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Showing posts from April, 2008

Supposing I were at work...

...would it really be wise for me to get on and post on my blog? Yes, say I, because otherwise I'd simply get on Facebook and be doing something even more mindless. Such is my job. Some days I actually have something to do... others, I sit behind a desk and chat on Facebook or do some such thing. Occasionally I'll do homework too. I sit here staring over a counter through a window-space, waiting for people to come ask me something and give me something to help them with! Es aburrido a veces. Pero puedo pensar porque no hay ruido aquí. EDIT: bah, I do need to remember that "hay"!

A pound of margarine

Last time I was home, I asked Mom to send me back with all the fixins for "Dawg Chow". (It's a delicious finger-food dessert of Chex, chocolate, peanut butter and powdered sugar.) I'm going to make it this weekend for a bonfire get-together. So I have a box in my closet full of dawg chow ingredients and utensils... minus a cup of margarine. We were going to grab it out of the fridge on our way out, but forgot. So I asked the chef here at the college cafeteria if he could give me a cup of margarine, and he goes ahead and hands me a one-pound block of it! Saves me a trip to Wal-Mart.

Biking yet again

I should make a whole category for bikes, really. So a five of us biked about twenty miles yesterday evening before sunset! Same route as my last twenty-mile ride, only this time we actually found this little ice cream stand just beyond the place where I turned around last time. We got ice cream, enjoyed ourselves, took pictures and went back (just in time for me to get to my small group meeting). It was my fourth ride on this route, I believe. I must have a good bike. I'm not sore. In other news.... I scheduled classes today.... um, I'm helping with the latest drama production's costuming.... yeah, just random stuff. Pretty much enjoying my last few weeks of freshman year.

So I have little to do... work, that is. Although I did spend the better part of the morning figuring out my class schedule for next year, simply because I had nothing else to do. It seems to be a theme today. But the situation will improve in about ten minutes. I will have choir, then I'll go do something for a class (which I prepared for this morning), then have supper, then... oh wait. I need to find something to do with myself this evening! Sigh. At least I should have a leetle more work to do next year.

Biking is wonderful.

So I did end up going on that bike ride, only it was postponed until almost eleven o'clock at night... which was okay, I guess, but since I'd never seen the route before I kinda wanted to go again in daylight. But wouldn't you know, right after that I got sick (possibly with whatever my brother had last weekend) and couldn't go until I got better. So I went yesterday.... the weather was absolutely gorgeous, and if I hadn't been able to get out for awhile I would've gone stir-crazy (again). My friend and I covered more than just the original new route though. We ended up going on a twenty-mile (round trip) ride before I had to go to small group last night, just because there was time. I loved it! And I'm not even sore yet today.

What a day.

I've been in class or working practically all day, and wouldn't you know it--it's been marvelous outside, with the sun shining bright and the wind blowing gently! So I've become stir-crazy... and I've decided to go on a bike ride! I'm going to take a new route today, and I'm dragging a friend along with me. Last night at ballroom dancing, a few friends and I worked on making a group dance out of the Hustle... and really did make good headway on it! We've managed to work four moves in, besides the basic. You can't imagine how odd we look, though--for one thing, we all move closer into the circle at one point, so we look like an expanding and collapsing starburst the whole time.