My sister mentioned today at supper that it finally rained last night. I told her I hadn't heard it. Next thing I knew, she was staring at me wide-eyed. Apparently, she conversed with me last night, after it had started raining. It went something like this: "Sarah... where's your weather radio?" Me: "The crank one or the plug-in one?" "The crank one." Me: "I dunno." (Then she felt her way around for my normal plug-in radio, which also receives weather signals.) (She turned the light on then, but decided it would probably be too bright for me, so turned it back off. She says she was surprised that I didn't say anything.) "Sarah, where's your flashlight?" "Sarah.... where's your flashlight?" "Hey Sarah, where's your flashlight?" "Where's your flashlight, Sarah?" "Sarah, I can't find your flashlight in the normal spot... where is it?" "Hey, where's your fl...