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Showing posts from March, 2009

Hankies are great things.

There are so many reasons to carry them. Not only are they great--but, apparently, " real men carry hankies ," too. I have no idea where that came from. But I do know that Dad always has a handkerchief, and I've borrowed his many a time. Now I have seven or eight of my own and use them constantly. And still, when I'm getting sick and have used up my handy one, Dad lets me have his again. :-)

</Spring Break>

It's back to classes tomorrow. A full day, but I think I will be happy to be back and busy. Although, the great thing about this break was that I did manage to find a good-sized project to do over break... or rather, two. The curtains were one; if you've been following my Twitter updates, you've seen how I did them in spurts (kinda). I was working on the very last curtain, the one for the door's window (an odd size and made a bit differently, so I saved it for last), yesterday. Unfortunately, when I was about two-thirds done, a gear gave out in my sewing machine--the upper vertical shaft gear, if you're really that interested--so I couldn't finish it. My mom's machine wouldn't even have served, because Mom broke her last needle on it just a few days ago (I think) and hadn't been to Jo-Ann's to get new ones. Sigh. I also filled out... fifteen or so job applications (that's a conservative estimate). It took forever. Hopefully something

Compendium of Links

So, whilst my sister and brother watch CSI, X-Files and Numbers on DVD from the library, I tend to meander my way through the internet. Thus, I find myriad links for my Delicious bookmarks. How to tell the difference between a violin and an accordion. Hilarious, from a blog I just discovered via the link list on this other newly-discovered blog. This guy is the same age I am and writes for Boundless . His latest article is about Facebook and its tendency to wreak havoc on its users' priorities. Very good. A fascinating counter to bias in news media, and its accompanying blog . From the creator of the Shakespearian Insulter--or rather, its Web incarnation (which is incredibly fun, if you haven't already tried it)--comes the Poem of the Masses . Basically, you contribute one line... and on it goes.... Peruse at your pleasure. :-)

Sewing once again

It's lovely to be back at the sewing machine. I haven't had the chance since before fall semester to create anything from yards of simple fabric. And this time? Curtains! And a cape! My young friend Bee turned ten today, so--since capes are almost a trademark of mine--I decided last night to sew up a little cape for her in the morning. And that's just what I did: started after breakfast and finished up just before lunch. I had to wait until three in the afternoon to give it to her, though, because she wasn't home before then. Imagine the agony! I was eager to give it away. She loved it. It's covered in blueberries on one side, but on the other (the inside, kinda) it's plain navy. The fun part? It's reversible; so if she wants (and she does indeed want), she can turn the navy side out and match me (since I wear a navy cape a lot). As for the curtains--I've been meaning to make new curtains for mine and my sister's room for a couple years now,

Homeschooling musings

A Facebook meme I recently filled out was the "Are you a homeschooler?" type. (All you readers who are my FB friends have seen it, most likely.) It made me think about all the stereotypical trademarks of homeschoolers... the denim jumpers, the school days in pajamas, and all that. And all the assumptions that people have about homeschoolers.... for example, You have been asked more than 10 times in your life: [ ] If you wear pajamas to school (close to ten though) [ ] If you get perfect grades because your mom grades you (a couple times though) [x] If your mom teaches you or if somebody else's mom does [ ] How do you meet people (I did get this sometimes) [x] Why you aren't in school (people asked my mom anyway; made for some good convos) [x] If you get days off whenever you want [ ] If you're going to be home schooled through college [ ] If you have a big family [ ] What your parents are protecting you from [ ] To quote something famous [x] For the answer, bec

Happy St. Patrick's Day

In honor of the day... Christ be with me, Christ within me Christ behind me, Christ before me Christ beside me, Christ to win me Christ to comfort me and restore me Christ beneath me, Christ above me Christ in quiet, Christ in danger Christ in hearts of all that love me Christ in mouth of friend and stranger

Baby boom

We are experiencing a baby boom at my home church. It began in May, kind of. That's when the first one was born. Then another little one came in September. Then four babies were born in December.... And another two or three were born this month. This is in a church that never breaks 200 in the morning service!

Break is coming...

In less than a week, I will be back home. It shall be lovely, and I will savor the time with my family. In other news, this Wednesday is "Dressin' All Fancy" day here on campus. It's a grassroots movement to bring a little joy to the hearts of those who can't bear not dressing up a little sometimes.

Rediscovered a good song

I was meandering through YouTube today, looking at some Michael Card. ...Matthew was mindful Of taking the tax, Pressing the people to pay Hearing the call, He responded in faith Followed the Light and the Way Leaving the people So puzzled he found, The greed in his heart Was no longer around and It's hard to imagine The freedom we find From the things We leave behind...

And now for Poker

I won another game of poker last night--even though I am absolutely no good at bluffing, and still do not know whether a straight or a flush is better. All I know is, I have amazing luck every time I play the game. My poker-playing friends are jealous of me. To prove how little bluffing ability I have: One friend was able to tell last night that I and another friend really did have good cards, but my hand was better than the other's. (Obviously she, the other player, can't bluff either.) And my friend with the uncanny ability to read my cards without seeing them has known every time I have a hand whether it is good or nothing. But I still win these poker games. I don't even care for the game all that much... certainly not enough to ever play for money (not five bucks or whatever). The fun part though is getting like two flushes in the course of a game (and possibly a three of a kind, I can't remember). And winning the game when one of my two remaining opponents g

The Rest of the Story

So, growing up I used to listen to this one radio segment a lot. It aired at about six-thirty, so I didn't always catch it... but, for a time, I set my alarm to six-twenty-five to make sure I woke up in time to hear it. I haven't listened to that segment for a long time now, and I miss it. I always enjoyed the short stories that the man told, and the way he told them. And I found out today that the wonderful storyteller of that segment passed away a couple days ago. RIP Paul Harvey.