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One week until move-in…

…and all my projects are finally wrapping up.

1. The church photo directory. I’m getting all the photos from the photographer today, and it should be a snap placing them all into the document. Then, PDFing the document, and sending it on to the assistant pastor to get it to the printer… and voilá, I should be all done with this.

2. I actually got the neighboring town’s coroner’s office to fax an autopsy report to the newspaper! And all it took was a little specific information, a couple phone calls, some courtesy, and some patience. Well, the patience thing was easy, since I got so busy I forgot to call back until a week later… which worked out. (The lady I talked to had also gotten busy, so we both picked up where we left off at the same time!)

3. One more week left of work at the warehouse!!! I’m so glad it’s almost over.

4. Gearing up for the semester of editing the campus newspaper. Well, I got everybody to pick some assignments, and did my own; and the ads manager and I got together this morning (via Skype; isn’t technology wonderful?) to fix the ad prices.

5. Now all that’s left is to pack. Gah, I need to pack….


da_baum said…
My warehouse job is done. Yeah, free time... :)
readersis said…
aww! I'm jealous.... my free time was today, and might be tomorrow... that's about it.
readersis said…
oh and you need to get a blog, or e-mail me your blog addy, so I can bug you back even when you're not on Facebook. ;)
da_baum said…
Eh, I'm off Facebook partly because I don't need the temptation of pride through a Facebook status where I'm basically like, "Hey, everyone, look at what I'm doing! Aren't I cool?" There are a lot of other reasons why I'm off too, and that's not really one of the bigger ones, but a blog wouldn't help that at all. Plus, I don't have much to say anyway, judging by my private blog, where I'm up to a whopping 150 posts over 4.5 years...
readersis said…
Ah, I can understand the issue with Facebook. I guess I never thought of it that way, though. I enjoy keeping up with other people more than posting my own statii (although I feel like I've written a few extra statii lately...).

Aha! You do have a blog! Oh well. Yeah and I'm up to like 500some posts since the move over here in what, 2006? haha...

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