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I'm actually using a planner.

It's really weird... I'm actually using this planner that I got. And it's actually helpful. I still use posty notes a lot, but the planner has a use of its own now.

You have to understand... I tried to use a planner off and on, throughout junior high & high school grades, but after a month or so I just stuck it in a drawer someplace and never used it again. As it is I take mine to every class, I need it so much!


Elly May said…
I depend on my planner, and generally I have a very important notebook where I put everything important, too.
And I didn't see the point in planners for years.
readersis said…
yeah... it's weird.

Oh, I haven't been able to get your blog to work for awhile....
Elly May said…
Yeah.... Walt said he'd try to fix it. I keep checking it eagerly: I have things to say. ;-) I'll happily direct everybody to my lj blog, and start posting more on there until it's fixed again, but it means that you'd have to register (if you don't already have an account).
readersis said…
unfortunately, I don't have an lj...

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