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Need ideas....

I'm going to be starting a student blog for my college soon. I need to come up with a name. Got any ideas I would like? Or a germ of an idea on which I may build a name?

And no, I'm definitely not quitting this blog... not by a long shot. Hopefully you'll notice no change in the frequency of updates here (though my sister is not so optimistic).


Unknown said…
What is pen or sword in Spanish? What is southern thoughtsin Spanish?
Anonymous said…
The Place of Ultimate Amazing Thoughts.

That would be a good name...

readersis said…
Pen or Sword in Spanish would be La Pluma o La Espada. Interesting idea.. might pick something in Spanish, or combination of the languages. Southern Thoughts would be Pensamientos del Sur, pretty much.

Um, right, db...

More ideas, anyone?
Guitarlady said…
"La Viajera" or maybe just "Viajes". Or "Fuente de le Mente". Just some offhand thoughts.
readersis said…
Well see, this is probably going to be a blog that will continue past my time abroad and become just a general blog about college life. So Viajes would theoretically work but not completely. I do like Fuente de something-or-other though.
mafia said…
I like peaches.
I have a life too!
Words of life (on, about, etc.)
life, generally.
Now what do you think about that?
wouldn't you like to know....

That's all I can think of at this moment.
readersis said…
I refuse to name a blog "I like peaches." :P

But keep the ideas coming!! They help me think of things, they really do!

So far I'm thinking a bilingual title, maybe using the word fuente. I just really like that word.
mafia said…
Mi maleta está en la ducha!

readersis said…
*rolleyes* wow you made me laugh heartily, Abby. Ah, I love inside jokes.
Guitarlady said…
Fuentes of the mind?
readersis said…
Hmm... what about song snippets/titles? I'm not coming up with anything bilingual that would work. Unless it's something as simple as "Hola, World."

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